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The study of urological includes tumors as frequent as prostate or bladder cancer and others, less frequent but more aggressive such as kidney cancer.
Inicio - Área de Medicina Personalizada - Línea Estratégica 3: Detección, Diagnóstico, Seguimiento y Pronóstico de Enfermedades - Integration of omics data for the search for molecular biomarkers associated with urological cancers
The study of urological includes tumors as frequent as prostate or bladder cancer and others, less frequent but more aggressive such as kidney cancer. We combine the main omic techniques to search for biomarkers in solid tumors (in paraffined tissue and by Single Cell analysis in fresh biopsies) and liquid biopsy. Using nextgeneration sequencing (NGS), we can reach a complete vision of the genetic panorama of each patient, unmasking biomarkers that enable the stratification of patients early and precisely based on their future aggressiveness, prognosis or response to treatment. Thus, using non-invasive techniques the detection of these biomarkers will mean a change in the treatment approach towards personalized and precision medicine.
The combination of environmental exposures (exposome) provides a new approach to the etiology of cancer. The health effects of these exposures events depend on genetic factors such as genes encoding xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XME) and antioxidant defense enzymes. However, the metabolic pathways in which these enzymes are involved are not well studied in cancer and it has not been established a clear relationship between the different isoforms with cancer aggressiveness. Currently, the group is focused on the evaluation of different genetic factors in urological cancers and their association with the exposome by means of questionnaires and biomonitoring. This combination can contribute to the detection of biomarkers of exposition necessary for the personalization of prevention and treatment depending on the environment of each patient.
I currently collaborate with the following laboratories: J.A Lorente Lab bringing my liquid biopsy expertise to my non-invasive biomarker searching. Moreover, we have sporadic collaborations with E.Carnero from M. Alarcón´s lab in COVID-19 analysis of samples and J.Sainz in a cohort of prostate cancer samples.
The main scientific impact of present lines and projects are focused on not only the discovery of biomarkers for screening or stratification. We go a step forward 76 STRATEGIC PLAN 2024-2027 integrating their biological impact, search for metabolic pathways that alter these markers and managing how treatment affects different clusters of biomarkers (and patients). Each of these genetic positions will be investigated as a potential target for new drugs.
Over the past three years, we have invested significant resources in building a network of urologists who have enrolled approximately 1,000 prostate cancer patients. Tissue biopsies (fresh and FFPE), blood and urine samples are available for 40% of patients. In addition to the biological samples mentioned above, we also have a longitudinal record of personal, clinical and environmental data.
We are also conscious about the high social impact of some urological diseases, mainly prostate cancer, and having a better knowledge and classification would help to improve quality of life of these patients. Currently, even being one of the most frequent malignancies among men, there is still unknown molecular markers in its management. For this reason, we are following our cohort, getting to know our patients and interviewing them frequently. Our basic idea is that massive phenotyping will help to classify the data obtained by massive genotyping.
We are part of the international prostate cancer consortium (PRACTICAL), which makes it easy to achieve samples and connections with all international groups focused on prostate cancer study. Nowadays, we have a strong collaboration with UK University of St. George´s as active collaborators of Prostate Cancer Research team based at St. George’s, University of London in charge of Clara Cieza and Ferran Valderrama (University of St. George´s, London, UK), where we are currently developing experiments in spheroids and organoids in prostate cancer (derived from prostate patients of our collection).
Although we are conscious of the difficulty of achieving European funding, this will lead us to try this opportunity in the next years. Afterwards, we keep on having an active funding capture of public Spanish institutions, such as recently funded by TRANSMISIONES (ISCIII) with a budget of 950.000 € for a prostate cancer research project.
Entidad concedente: Proyectos Plan Operativo
FEDER Andalucía 2021-2027
Entidad concedente: TrasMisiones 2023 – PMPTA
Entidad concedente: Plan Propio OTRI
Entidad concedente: Consejería de Salud y Consumo, denominado Actividades de Investigación (I+D+i)
Entidad concedente: AEI. Ministerio de Ciencia e
Autores: Ramírez V, Gálvez-Ontiveros Y, de Bobadilla VAF, González-Palacios P, Salcedo-Bellido I, Samaniego-Sánchez C, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Martínez-González LJ, Zafra-Gómez A, Rivas A
11/2024 - Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
Autores: Leno-Durán E, Arrabal L, Roldán S, Medina I, Alcántara-Domínguez C, García-Cabrera V, Saiz J, Barbas C, Sánchez MJ, Entrala-Bernal C, Fernández-Rosado F, Lorente JA, Gutierrez-Ríos P, Martínez-Gonzalez LJ
09/2024 - International journal of molecular sciences
Autores: Marín-Benesiu F, Chica-Redecillas L, Arenas-Rodríguez V, de Santiago E, Martínez-Diz S, López-Torres G, Cortés-Valverde AI, Romero-Cachinero C, Entrala-Bernal C, Fernandez-Rosado FJ, Martínez-González LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
09/2024 - Human genomics
Autores: Ramírez V, González-Palacios P, González-Domenech PJ, Jaimez-Pérez S, Baca MA, Rodrigo L, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Monteagudo C, Martínez-González LJ, Rivas A
08/2024 - Nutrients
Autores: Antúnez-Rodríguez A, García-Rodríguez S, Pozo-Agundo A, Sánchez-Ramos JG, Moreno-Escobar E, Triviño-Juárez JM, Martínez-González LJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL
08/2024 - Thrombosis research
Autores: Pérez-Gutiérrez AM, Carmona R, Loucera C, Cervilla JA, Gutiérrez B, Molina E, Lopez-Lopez D, Pérez-Florido J, Zarza-Rebollo JA, López-Isac E, Dopazo J, Martínez-González LJ, Rivera M
11/2024 - Molecular psychiatry
Autores: Álvarez-González B, Hernández AF, Zafra-Gómez A, Chica-Redecillas L, Cuenca-López S, Vázquez-Alonso F, Martínez-González LJ, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
06/2024 - Environmental toxicology and pharmacology
Autores: Chica-Redecillas L, Cuenca-Lopez S, Andres-Leon E, Terron-Camero LC, Cano-Gutierrez B, Cozar JM, Lorente JA, Vazquez-Alonso F, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
03/2024 - Cancer communications (London, England)
Autores: Castaño-Amores C, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Pozo-Agundo A, García-Rodríguez S, Martínez-González LJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL
12/2023 - Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie
Autores: Álvarez-González B, Porras-Quesada P, Arenas-Rodríguez V, Tamayo-Gómez A, Vázquez-Alonso F, Martínez-González LJ, Hernández AF, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
11/2023 - The Science of the total environment
Autores: Ramírez-Mena A, Andrés-León E, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Anguita-Ruiz A, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alcala-Fdez J
10/2023 - Computer methods and programs in biomedicine
Autores: Martinez-Diz S, Morales-Álvarez CM, Garcia-Iglesias Y, Guerrero-González JM, Romero-Cachinero C, González-Cabezuelo JM, Fernandez-Rosado FJ, Arenas-Rodríguez V, Lopez-Cintas R, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ
06/2023 - Human genomics
Autores: Koufaki MI, Fragoulakis V, Díaz-Villamarín X, Karamperis K, Vozikis A, Swen JJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Vasileiou KZ, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C
06/2023 - Human genomics
Autores: Martínez-Diz S, Marín-Benesiu F, López-Torres G, Santiago O, Díaz-Cuéllar JF, Martín-Esteban S, Cortés-Valverde AI, Arenas-Rodríguez V, Cuenca-López S, Porras-Quesada P, Ruiz-Ruiz C, Abadía-Molina AC, Entrala-Bernal C, Martínez-González LJ, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
03/2023 - Frontiers in immunology
Autores: Ramírez V, Salcedo-Bellido I, Rodrigo L, Gil Hernández F, Olmedo P, Martínez-González LJ, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Rivas A
05/2023 - The Science of the total environment
Autores: Swen JJ, van der Wouden CH, Manson LE, Abdullah-Koolmees H, Blagec K, Blagus T, Böhringer S, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Deneer VH, Dupui M, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jonsson S, Joefield-Roka C, Just KS, Karlsson MO, Konta L, Koopmann R, Kriek M, Lehr T, Mitropoulou C, Rial-Sebbag E, Rollinson V, Roncato R, Samwald M, Schaeffeler E, Skokou M, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl JC, Tremmel R, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, Dávila Fajardo CL, Dolžan V, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Guchelaar HJ, Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium
02/2023 - Lancet (London, England)
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Arance E, de Santiago E, Sanchez P, Sepúlveda MR, Marrero R, Lorente JA, Gonzalez-Cabezuelo JM, Cuenca-Lopez S, Cozar JM, Vazquez-Alonso F, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ
12/2022 - International journal of molecular sciences
Autores: Loucera C, Perez-Florido J, Casimiro-Soriguer CS, Ortuño FM, Carmona R, Bostelmann G, Martínez-González LJ, Muñoyerro-Muñiz D, Villegas R, Rodriguez-Baño J, Romero-Gomez M, Lorusso N, Garcia-León J, Navarro-Marí JM, Camacho-Martinez P, Merino-Diaz L, Salazar A, Viñuela L, The Andalusian Covid-Sequencing Initiative, Lepe JA, Garcia F, Dopazo J
08/2022 - Viruses
Autores: Ramírez V, González-Palacios P, Baca MA, González-Domenech PJ, Fernández-Cabezas M, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Rodrigo L, Rivas A
12/2022 - The Science of the total environment
Autores: Aparicio VA, Baena-García L, Flor-Alemany M, Martínez-González LJ, Varela-López A, Sánchez C, Quiles JL
01/2022 - Women's health (London, England)
Autores: Acosta-Manzano P, Acosta FM, Coll-Risco I, Romero-Gallardo L, Flor-Alemany M, Martínez-González LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Segura-Jiménez V, Aparicio VA
07/2022 - International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism
Autores: Blánquez-Martínez D, Díaz-Villamarín X, García-Rodríguez S, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Pozo-Agundo A, Martínez-González LJ, Muñoz-Ávila JI, Dávila-Fajardo CL
07/2022 - Pharmaceutics
Autores: Martin-Way D, Puche-Sanz I, Cozar JM, Zafra-Gomez A, Gomez-Regalado MDC, Morales-Alvarez CM, Hernandez AF, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
10/2022 - The Science of the total environment
Autores: Blagec K, Swen JJ, Koopmann R, Cheung KC, Crommentuijn-van Rhenen M, Holsappel I, Konta L, Ott S, Steinberger D, Xu H, Cecchin E, Dolžan V, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Patrinos GP, Sunder-Plassmann G, Turner RM, Pirmohamed M, Guchelaar HJ, Samwald M, Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium
06/2022 - PloS one
Autores: Sánchez-Maldonado JM, Collado R, Cabrera-Serrano AJ, Ter Horst R, Gálvez-Montosa F, Robles-Fernández I, Arenas-Rodríguez V, Cano-Gutiérrez B, Bakker O, Bravo-Fernández MI, García-Verdejo FJ, López JAL, Olivares-Ruiz J, López-Nevot MÁ, Fernández-Puerta L, Cózar-Olmo JM, Li Y, Netea MG, Jurado M, Lorente JA, Sánchez-Rovira P, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Sainz J
05/2022 - Cancers
Autores: Porras-Quesada P, González-Cabezuelo JM, Sánchez-Conde V, Puche-Sanz I, Arenas-Rodríguez V, García-López C, Flores-Martín JF, Molina-Hernández JM, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Martínez-González LJ, Vázquez-Alonso F
01/2022 - Frontiers in genetics
Autores: Arance E, Ramírez V, Rubio-Roldan A, Ocaña-Peinado FM, Romero-Cachinero C, Jódar-Reyes AB, Vazquez-Alonso F, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
12/2021 - Cancers
Autores: Ramírez V, Robles-Aguilera V, Salcedo-Bellido I, Gálvez-Ontiveros Y, Rodrigo L, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Monteagudo C, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Rivas A
04/2022 - Chemosphere
Autores: Estévez-López F, Guerrero-González JM, Salazar-Tortosa D, Camiletti-Moirón D, Gavilán-Carrera B, Aparicio VA, Acosta-Manzano P, Álvarez-Gallardo IC, Segura-Jiménez V, Soriano-Maldonado A, Geenen R, Delgado-Fernández M, Martínez-González LJ, Ruiz JR, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
08/2022 - Rheumatology (Oxford, England)
Autores: Blánquez-Martínez D, Díaz-Villamarín X, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Pozo-Agundo A, Muñoz-Ávila JI, Martínez-González LJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL
11/2021 - Pharmaceutics
Autores: Castaño-Amores C, Díaz-Villamarín X, Pérez-Gutiérrez AM, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Pozo-Agundo A, Moreno-Escobar E, Sánchez-Ramos JG, Martínez-González LJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL
10/2021 - Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie
Autores: Martínez-González LJ, Sánchez-Conde V, González-Cabezuelo JM, Antunez-Rodríguez A, Andrés-León E, Robles-Fernandez I, Lorente JA, Vázquez-Alonso F, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
06/2021 - Biomedicines
Autores: Jimenez-Luna C, González-Flores E, Ortiz R, Martínez-González LJ, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Expósito-Ruiz M, Melguizo C, Caba O, Prados J
05/2021 - Journal of clinical medicine
Autores: Casimiro-Soriguer CS, Perez-Florido J, Fernandez-Rueda JL, Pedrosa-Corral I, Guillot-Sulay V, Lorusso N, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Navarro-Marí JM, Dopazo J, Sanbonmatsu-Gámez S
05/2021 - Viruses
Autores: Estévez-López F, Salazar-Tortosa DF, Camiletti-Moirón D, Gavilán-Carrera B, Aparicio VA, Acosta-Manzano P, Segura-Jiménez V, Álvarez-Gallardo IC, Carbonell-Baeza A, Munguía-Izquierdo D, Geenen R, Lacerda E, Delgado-Fernández M, Martínez-González LJ, Ruiz JR, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
04/2021 - Journal of clinical medicine
Autores: Ching-López A, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Arrabal L, Sáiz J, Gavilán Á, Barbas C, Lorente JA, Roldán S, Sánchez MJ, Gutierrez-Ríos P
03/2021 - International journal of molecular sciences
Autores: Ramírez V, Gálvez-Ontiveros Y, Porras-Quesada P, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Rivas A, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
06/2021 - Environmental research
Autores: Cózar JM, Hernández C, Miñana B, Morote J, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
01/2021 - Actas urologicas espanolas
Autores: Díaz-Villamarín X, Blánquez-Martínez D, Pozo-Agundo A, Pérez-Gutiérrez AM, Muñoz-Ávila JI, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Fernández-Gómez AE, García-Navas P, Martínez-González LJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL
11/2020 - Genes
Autores: Rus A, Robles-Fernandez I, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Carmona R, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
01/2021 - Nursing research
Autores: Sorlozano-Puerto A, Lopez-Machado I, Albertuz-Crespo M, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Gutierrez-Fernandez J
08/2020 - Antibiotics (Basel, Switzerland)
Autores: Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Vazquez-Alonso F, Hernandez AF, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
08/2020 - The Science of the total environment
Autores: van der Wouden CH, Böhringer S, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Deneer VHM, Dolžan V, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jönsson S, Karlsson MO, Kriek M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Rial-Sebbag E, Samwald M, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl J, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, van Zwet E, Swen JJ, Guchelaar HJ, Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium
08/2020 - Pharmacogenetics and genomics
Autores: Ortega-García MB, Mesa A, Moya ELJ, Rueda B, Lopez-Ordoño G, García JÁ, Conde V, Redondo-Cerezo E, Lopez-Hidalgo JL, Jiménez G, Peran M, Martínez-González LJ, Del Val C, Zwir I, Marchal JA, García MÁ
02/2020 - Cancers
Autores: Puche-Sanz I, Rodríguez-Martínez A, Garrido-Navas MC, Robles-Fernández I, Vázquez-Alonso F, Álvarez Cubero MJ, Lorente-Acosta JA, Serrano-Fernández MJ, Cózar-Olmo JM
04/2020 - Actas urologicas espanolas
Autores: de Miguel-Pérez D, Bayarri-Lara CI, Ortega FG, Russo A, Moyano Rodriguez MJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Maza Serrano E, Lorente JA, Rolfo C, Serrano MJ
11/2019 - Cancers
Autores: Pascual-Geler M, Robles-Fernandez I, Monteagudo C, Lopez-Guarnido O, Rodrigo L, Gálvez-Ontiveros Y, Cozar JM, Rivas A, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
06/2020 - International journal of food sciences and nutrition
Autores: Andújar N, Gálvez-Ontiveros Y, Zafra-Gómez A, Rodrigo L, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Aguilera M, Monteagudo C, Rivas AA
09/2019 - Nutrients
Autores: Cozar JM, Robles-Fernandez I, Rodriguez-Martinez A, Puche-Sanz I, Vazquez-Alonso F, Lorente JA, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
07/2019 - Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research
Autores: Dávila-Fajardo CL, Díaz-Villamarín X, Antúnez-Rodríguez A, Fernández-Gómez AE, García-Navas P, Martínez-González LJ, Dávila-Fajardo JA, Barrera JC
04/2019 - Genes
Autores: Saiz M, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Lorente JA, Alvarez JC, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ
03/2019 - Scientific reports
Autores: Fragoulakis V, Bartsakoulia M, Díaz-Villamarín X, Chalikiopoulou K, Kehagia K, Ramos JGS, Martínez-González LJ, Gkotsi M, Katrali E, Skoufas E, Vozikis A, John A, Ali BR, Wordsworth S, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Katsila T, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C
10/2019 - The pharmacogenomics journal
Autores: Gómez-Martín A, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Puche-Sanz I, Cozar JM, Lorente JA, Hernández AF, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
04/2019 - Urologic oncology
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Santiago O, Martínez-Labarga C, Martínez-García B, Marrero-Díaz R, Rubio-Roldan A, Pérez-Gutiérrez AM, Carmona-Saez P, Lorente JA, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ
06/2018 - Scientific reports
Autores: Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Pascual Geler M, Robles Fernandez I, Cozar JM, Lorente JA, Alvarez Cubero MJ
06/2018 - Urologic oncology
Autores: Cozar JM, Robles-Fernandez I, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Pascual-Geler M, Rodriguez-Martinez A, Serrano MJ, Lorente JA, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
01/2018 - Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research
Autores: Urquiza-Salvat N, Pascual-Geler M, Lopez-Guarnido O, Rodrigo L, Martinez-Burgos A, Cozar JM, Ocaña-Peinado FM, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Rivas A
06/2019 - The aging male : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male
Autores: Saiz M, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Álvarez JC, Lorente JA
05/2018 - Forensic science international. Genetics
Autores: Estévez-López F, Camiletti-Moirón D, Aparicio VA, Segura-Jiménez V, Álvarez-Gallardo IC, Soriano-Maldonado A, Borges-Cosic M, Acosta-Manzano P, Geenen R, Delgado-Fernández M, Martínez-González LJ, Ruiz JR, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
02/2018 - Journal of translational medicine
Autores: López-Guarnido O, Urquiza-Salvat N, Saiz M, Lozano-Paniagua D, Rodrigo L, Pascual-Geler M, Lorente JA, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Rivas A
12/2018 - The aging male : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male
Autores: Estévez-López F, Aparicio VA, Ruiz JR, Martínez-González LJ, Delgado-Fernández M, Álvarez-Cubero MJ
03/2018 - Rheumatology international
Autores: Puche-Sanz I, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Pascual-Geler M, Rodríguez-Martínez A, Delgado-Rodríguez M, García-Puche JL, Expósito J, Robles-Fernández I, Entrala-Bernal C, Lorente JA, Cózar-Olmo JM, Serrano MJ
07/2017 - Oncotarget
Autores: Robles-Fernandez I, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Pascual-Geler M, Cozar JM, Puche-Sanz I, Serrano MJ, Lorente JA, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
10/2017 - PloS one
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz M, Martínez-García B, Sayalero SM, Entrala C, Lorente JA, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ
11/2017 - Annals of human biology
Autores: Pascual-Geler M, Urquiza-Salvat N, Cozar JM, Robles-Fernandez I, Rivas A, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Ocaña-Peinado FM, Lorente JA, Alvarez-Cubero MJ
03/2018 - The aging male : the official journal of the International Society for the Study of the Aging Male
Autores: Alvarez Cubero MJ, Lorente JA, Robles-Fernandez I, Rodriguez-Martinez A, Puche JL, Serrano MJ
01/2017 - Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.)
Autores: van der Wouden CH, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Deneer VH, Dolžan V, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jönsson S, Karlsson MO, Kriek M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Samwald M, Schaeffeler E, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl J, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, Swen JJ, Guchelaar HJ, Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium
07/2017 - Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
Autores: Serrano MJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, De Miguel Pérez D, Rodríguez-Martínez A, Gonzalez-Herrera L, Robles-Fernandez I, Hernandez JE, Puche JLG, Lorente JA
01/2017 - Advances in experimental medicine and biology
Autores: Dávila-Fajardo CL, Sánchez-Ramos J, Villamarín XD, Martínez-González LJ, Frías PT, Huertas SM, Gómez FB, Borrego JC, Pavés AB, Guzmán MC, Hernández JA, Vilches CC, Barrera JC
12/2016 - Data in brief
Autores: van der Wouden CH, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Deneer VH, Dolžan V, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jönsson S, Karlsson MO, Kriek M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Samwald M, Schaeffeler E, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl J, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, Swen JJ, Guchelaar HJ, Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium
03/2017 - Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Robles-Fernandez I, Martinez-Herrera J, Garcia-Rodriguez G, Pascual-Geler M, Cozar JM, Lorente JA
04/2017 - Molecular diagnosis & therapy
Autores: Sánchez-Ramos J, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Toledo Frías P, Díaz Villamarín X, Martínez-González LJ, Martínez Huertas S, Burillo Gómez F, Caballero Borrego J, Bautista Pavés A, Marín Guzmán MC, Ramirez Hernández JA, Correa Vilches C, Cabeza Barrera J
12/2016 - International journal of cardiology
Autores: Díaz-Villamarín X, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Martínez-González LJ, Carmona-Sáez P, Sánchez-Ramos J, Álvarez Cubero MJ, Salmerón-Febres LM, Cabeza Barrera J, Fernández-Quesada F
08/2016 - Pharmacogenomics
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Pascual-Geler M, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Expósito Ruiz M, Saiz M, Cozar JM, Lorente JA
10/2016 - Urologic oncology
Autores: Tong HY, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Borobia AM, Martínez-González LJ, Lubomirov R, Perea León LM, Blanco Bañares MJ, Díaz-Villamarín X, Fernández-Capitán C, Cabeza Barrera J, Carcas AJ, PGX-ACE Investigators Group
03/2016 - PloS one
Autores: Henríquez-Hernández LA, Valenciano A, Foro-Arnalot P, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Cozar JM, Suárez-Novo JF, Castells-Esteve M, Fernández-Gonzalo P, De-Paula-Carranza B, Ferrer M, Guedea F, Sancho-Pardo G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz-Gordillo MJ, Cabrera-Roldán P, Rodríguez-Melcón JI, Herrera-Ramos E, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Lara PC
03/2016 - Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases
Autores: Aguirre-Rodríguez FJ, Lucenilla MI, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Mata C, Entrala-Bernal C, Fernandez-Rosado F
10/2015 - Journal of the neurological sciences
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Pascual-Geler M, Rivas A, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Saiz M, Lorente JA, Cozar JM
01/2015 - International journal of food sciences and nutrition
Autores: Gómez-Martín A, Hernández AF, Martínez-González LJ, González-Alzaga B, Rodríguez-Barranco M, López-Flores I, Aguilar-Garduno C, Lacasana M
11/2015 - Chemosphere
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Saiz M, Carmona-Saez P, Alvarez JC, Pascual-Geler M, Lorente JA, Cozar JM
08/2015 - Experimental & molecular medicine
Autores: Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz M, Alvarez JC, Martinez-Labarga C, Lorente JA
09/2016 - Annals of human biology
Autores: Henríquez-Hernández LA, Valenciano A, Foro-Arnalot P, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Cozar JM, Suárez-Novo JF, Castells-Esteve M, Fernández-Gonzalo P, De-Paula-Carranza B, Ferrer M, Guedea F, Sancho-Pardo G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz-Gordillo MJ, Cabrera-Roldán P, Herrera-Ramos E, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Lara PC
06/2015 - Journal of genetics
Autores: Fernandez-Rosado F, Campos A, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Ruiz A, Entrala-Bernal C
07/2015 - Nephrology (Carlton, Vic.)
Autores: Gómez Peña C, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Martínez-González LJ, Carmona-Sáez P, Soto Pino MJ, Sánchez Ramos J, Moreno Escobar E, Blancas I, Fernández JJ, Fernández D, Correa C, Cabeza Barrera J
08/2015 - Pharmacogenetics and genomics
Autores: Henríquez-Hernández LA, Valenciano A, Foro-Arnalot P, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Cozar JM, Suárez-Novo JF, Castells-Esteve M, Fernández-Gonzalo P, De-Paula-Carranza B, Ferrer M, Guedea F, Sancho-Pardo G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz-Gordillo MJ, Cabrera-Roldán P, Rodríguez-Melcón JI, Herrera-Ramos E, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Lara PC
07/2015 - Urologic oncology
Autores: Dávila-Fajardo CL, van der Straaten T, Baak-Pablo R, Medarde Caballero C, Cabeza Barrera J, Huizinga TW, Guchelaar HJ, Swen JJ
01/2015 - Pharmacogenomics
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Vázquez-Alonso F, Puche-Sanz I, Ortega FG, Martin-Prieto M, Garcia-Puche JL, Pascual-Geler M, Lorente JA, Cozar-Olmo JM, Serrano MJ
01/2016 - Current drug targets
Autores: Fernandez-Rosado F, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Entrala-Bernal C, Pino Mdel C, Gómez-Recio M, Lázaro-García R
02/2015 - Archives of medical research
Autores: Henríquez-Hernández LA, Valenciano A, Foro-Arnalot P, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Cozar JM, Suárez-Novo JF, Castells-Esteve M, Fernández-Gonzalo P, De-Paula-Carranza B, Ferrer M, Guedea F, Sancho-Pardo G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz-Gordillo MJ, Cabrera-Roldán P, Herrera-Ramos E, Rodríguez-Gallego C, Rodríguez-Melcón JI, Lara PC
12/2014 - BMC medical genetics
Autores: Serrano MJ, Ortega FG, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Nadal R, Sanchez-Rovira P, Salido M, Rodríguez M, García-Puche JL, Delgado-Rodriguez M, Solé F, García MA, Perán M, Rosell R, Marchal JA, Lorente JA
09/2014 - Oncotarget
Autores: Cabrera-Bueno F, Fernandez-Rosado F, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Espin E, Entrala-Bernal C
09/2014 - Journal of cardiology cases
Autores: Saiz M, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA
11/2014 - Forensic science international. Genetics
Autores: Cabrera-Bueno F, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Fernandez-Rosado F, Martinez-Espin E, Entrala-Bernal C
09/2014 - Clinical cardiology
Autores: Saiz M, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martínez-González LJ, Alvarez JC, Lorente M, Lorente JA
01/2014 - Revista de derecho y genoma humano = Law and the human genome review
Autores: Ruiz JL, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Rosado FF, Espín EM, Bernal CE
08/2014 - International journal of colorectal disease
Autores: Entrala-Bernal C, Montes-Castillo C, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Gutiérrez-Alcántara C, Fernandez-Rosado F, Martinez-Espίn E, Sánchez-Malo C, Santiago-Fernández P
04/2014 - Hormones (Athens, Greece)
Autores: Ramírez-Flores E, Saiz M, Villegas-Carmona D, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Álvarez JC, Vega-Navarrete L
05/2014 - Forensic science international. Genetics
Autores: Márquez A, Ferreiro-Iglesias A, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Montes A, Pascual-Salcedo D, Perez-Pampin E, Moreno-Ramos MJ, García-Portales R, Navarro F, Moreira V, Magro C, Caliz R, Ferrer MA, Alegre-Sancho JJ, Joven B, Carreira P, Balsa A, Vasilopoulos Y, Sarafidou T, Cabeza-Barrera J, Narvaez J, Raya E, Cañete JD, Fernández-Nebro A, Ordóñez Mdel C, de la Serna AR, Magallares B, Gomez-Reino JJ, González A, Martín J
03/2014 - Arthritis research & therapy
Autores: López-Guarnido O, Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz M, Lozano D, Rodrigo L, Pascual M, Cozar JM, Rivas A
10/2014 - Nutricion hospitalaria
Autores: Dávila-Fajardo CL, Márquez A, Pascual-Salcedo D, Moreno Ramos MJ, García-Portales R, Magro C, Alegre-Sancho JJ, Balsa A, Cabeza-Barrera J, Raya E, Martín J
01/2014 - Pharmacogenetics and genomics
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Vazquez-Alonso F, Saiz M, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA, Cozar JM
09/2013 - SpringerPlus
Autores: Henríquez-Hernández LA, Valenciano A, Foro-Arnalot P, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Cozar JM, Suárez-Novo JF, Castells-Esteve M, Ayala-Gil A, Fernández-Gonzalo P, Ferrer M, Guedea F, Sancho-Pardo G, Craven-Bartle J, Ortiz-Gordillo MJ, Cabrera-Roldán P, Herrera-Ramos E, Lara PC
07/2013 - PloS one
Autores: Márquez A, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Robledo G, Rubio JL, de Ramón Garrido E, García-Hernández FJ, González-León R, Ríos-Fernández R, Barrera JC, González-Escribano MF, García MT, Palma MJ, del Mar Ayala M, Ortego-Centeno N, Martín J
08/2013 - Molecular biology reports
Autores: Dávila-Fajardo CL, Swen JJ, Cabeza Barrera J, Guchelaar HJ
01/2013 - Pharmacogenomics
Autores: Martín Ruiz JL, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Fernandez Rosado J, Martinez Espín E, Entrala Bernal C
10/2013 - International journal of colorectal disease
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz M, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA, Cozar JM
11/2013 - Urologic oncology
Autores: Robledo G, Márquez A, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Ortego-Centeno N, Rubio JL, Garrido Ede R, Sánchez-Román J, García-Hernández FJ, Ríos-Fernández R, González-Escribano MF, García MT, Palma MJ, Ayala Mdel M, Martín J
12/2012 - DNA and cell biology
Autores: Álvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz Guinaldo M, Martínez-González LJ, Álvarez Merino JC, Cózar Olmo JM, Acosta JA
01/2012 - PloS one
Autores: Robledo G, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Márquez A, Ortego-Centeno N, Callejas Rubio JL, de Ramón Garrido E, Sánchez-Román J, García-Hernández FJ, Ríos-Fernández R, González-Escribano MF, Camps García MT, Castillo Palma MJ, Ayala Mdel M, Martín J
09/2012 - DNA and cell biology
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz M, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez JC, Eisenberg AJ, Budowle B, Lorente JA
01/2012 - Pathobiology : journal of immunopathology, molecular and cellular biology
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Saiz M, Martínez-González LJ, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA, Cozar JM
05/2012 - Actas urologicas espanolas
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Entrala C, Fernandez-Rosado F, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Alvarez JC, Suarez A, Lorente JA, Cozar JM
06/2012 - Prostate cancer and prostatic diseases
Autores: Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Virgen-Ponce D, Delgado-Najar EA, Moscoso-Caloca GH, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA
11/2011 - Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
Autores: Martínez-González LJ, Martínez-Espín E, Álvarez JC, Albardaner F, Rickards O, Martínez-Labarga C, Calafell F, Lorente JA
02/2012 - European journal of human genetics : EJHG
Autores: Martínez-González LJ, Saiz M, Alvarez-Cubero MJ, Gómez-Martín A, Alvarez JC, Martínez-Labarga C, Lorente JA
01/2012 - Forensic science international. Genetics
Autores: Dávila Fajardo CL, Peña Ortega M, Cabeza Barrera J, Prados Garrido MD
01/2010 - Nefrologia : publicacion oficial de la Sociedad Espanola Nefrologia
Autores: Dávila-Fajardo CL, Cabeza Barrera J, Vallejo Rodríguez I, García Serrano JL
03/2009 - Farmacia hospitalaria : organo oficial de expresion cientifica de la Sociedad Espanola de Farmacia Hospitalaria
Autores: Rivera M, Gutiérrez B, Molina E, Torres-González F, Bellón JA, Moreno-Küstner B, King M, Nazareth I, Martínez-González LJ, Martínez-Espín E, Muñoz-García MM, Motrico E, Martínez-Cañavate T, Lorente JA, Luna JD, Cervilla JA
04/2009 - American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics
Autores: Alvarez JC, Johnson DL, Lorente JA, Martinez-Espin E, Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Allard M, Wilson MR, Budowle B
11/2007 - Legal medicine (Tokyo, Japan)
Autores: Martinez-Gonzalez LJ, Lorente JA, Martinez-Espin E, Alvarez JC, Lorente M, Villanueva E, Budowle B
03/2007 - Journal of forensic sciences
Autores: Martinez-Espin E, Martínez-Gonzalez LJ, Fernandez-Rosado F, Entrala C, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA, Budowle B, Ovalle de Monroy M
09/2006 - Journal of forensic sciences
Autores: Martínez-Gonzalez LJ, Martinez-Espin E, Fernandez-Rosado F, Moguel MA, Entrala C, Alvarez JC, Lorente JA, Budowle B
01/2005 - Journal of forensic sciences
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