General information

The scientific strategy of the “Proteases and Extracellular Matrix” group maintains, on the one hand, a line of consolidation of its studies on the extracellular matrix as a basic constituent of the tumor microenvironment. However, the outstanding and continuous advances in experimental oncology are causing an essential focus on functional genomics (SL2) but also aimed at its applicability to precision medicine (SL3). The main lines of research to be developed in the coming years are:

  • Functional studies of the dynamism and remodeling of the extracellular matrix in models of solid tumors and leukemias, with impact on their progression (SL2).
  • Functional studies of the modulation and activation of immune populations in the tumor microenvironment through the action of 74 STRATEGIC PLAN 2024-2027 extracellular proteases, with implication in diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of response to therapies (SL2).
  • Identification of biomarkers in the extracellular microenvironment as new prognostic and diagnostic elements: towards precision medicine (SL3).

These investigations will benefit from a multidisciplinary treatment, combining bioinformatic and statistical approaches with the genetic and experimental manipulation of cellular systems and animal models of great relevance in the area, all supported by the collaboration of clinical professionals, essential to provide a vision applied and realistic beyond experimentation.

Host Institution Impact

The expertise of this group on the biology of the ECM and the use of complex cellular and mouse models positively contributes to nourish collaborations with groups in GENYO, such as the ongoing with Landeira`s group on the use of tumor models to determine the relevance of epigenetic memory, MJ Serrano’s to advance on unresolved complex immune-tumor relationships, and P Carmona’s team using bioinformatic innovative approaches to project RNAseq data from oncological murine models to human cancers.


These studies are in line with the rising international impact of cutting-edge research on the extracellular matrix, field little developed in the context of Andalusia and Spain, and of which this team intends to be a guarantor in the coming years. This internationalization will include his ongoing participation in activities promoted by the world leader American Society for Matrix Biology, as well as his continuity in international networks such as COST (currently Mye-InfoBank and IMMUNOmodel) and Marie Curie actions (currently as WP2 co-leader of CRYSTAL3 consortium), and other initiatives of the European framework (ongoing).

Social Impact

Among the types of cancer studied are lung cancer, with a very high incidence in Western society, and melanoma, highlighting in this case the team’s studies in uveal melanoma, classified as a rare tumor associated with a very high metastatic aggressiveness. Additionally, stimulated by the most recent incorporation of senior postdoctoral researcher Dr MB López-Millán, work on leukemias is also being promoted, whose origin is closely linked to the biology of the immune system, and at the same time provides a new scenario in which to investigate the influence of the extracellular matrix for its development.

Activities to Strengthen the Strategic Line

In an attempt to become an MdM guarantor, this group’s strategy includes the increase of participations in maximum impact publications (D1/Q1), the growth of 75 STRATEGIC PLAN 2024-2027 the critical mass of the group (maximum 10 researchers, 3-4 postdocs), and obtaining international funding.

Investigador Principal

Juan Carlos Rodríguez
